This brings with it a ton of expectations, but if any studio can deliver, it would be Insomniac. Wolverine is a brutal character with a troubled and violent past, a distinct shift in style from the more lighthearted adventure in Marvel’s Spider-Man. Many comparisons can be drawn between Wolverine and PlayStation icon Kratos, the star of God of War. The 2018 God of War reboot was praised for its ambitious one-shot cinematic run, something that could work just as well in Marvel’s Wolverine.

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An Ambitious Vision

The 2018 God of War was technically impressive, presented in one continuous shot. This technique has been implemented in cinema numerous times, but had yet to be truly adopted in video games. There are many variables to consider, especially with how different gaming is to movies as an interactive medium.

This was no easy challenge to overcome, as game director Cory Barlog has said in interviews and behind the scenes footage. The amount of work poured into this ambitious vision paid off, with God of War winning multiple Game of the Year awards for its impressive scale and innovation. The use of a single shot creates a more intimate, personal experience between the player and the events on-screen. With no cuts in the action, every moment can be witnessed and absorbed at a natural pace. It blurs the line between players holding a controller and living in the game world itself, making for a more immersive experience.

Wolverine: A More Mature Marvel Superhero

This technique of using a single shot isn’t easy to do, and while impressive it wouldn’t necessarily work with everything. To return to Insomniac’s other Marvel projects, Spider-Man would not be a good fit with the style. His powers and ability to move at high speeds wouldn’t lend themselves well to more restrictive cinematography. Wolverine, on the other hand, is a more grounded character, and more suitable for the one-shot concept.

Beyond his powers being more fitting, the character brings certain narrative and tonal differences that are appropriate for a one-shot experience. The 2017 film Logan told a much more dramatic, heavy, and mature tale than the usual superhero offering. Wolverine’s unnaturally long life from his healing powers, as well as his history of violence, lend themselves to the framework of a gripping story. The aforementioned nature of the player being able to see every moment uncut would help to sell the brutal life of Wolverine.

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Pitching a One-Shot Wolverine Game

Even if Wolverine as a one-shot seems good on paper, how exactly they would fit together in execution is a mystery. There is little to confirm what Insomniac has planned based on the first teaser for Marvel’s Wolverine. However, should the one-shot technique from God of War be used, there is a way to make it stylisticallly and mechanically fit with this Marvel character.

The one-shot could be used to convey the passage of time across Logan’s life. He ages much slower thanks to his healing, and has therefore witnessed countless world events. With this in mind, Insomniac wouldn’t be limited to choosing one setting or era for its Wolverine story, and can space out interconnected moments. This can still work within the foundation of a one-shot effect, with neat uses of transitions to seamlessly keep a flow. For example, Wolverine can be walking in the woods, and without cutting, he walks past a tree and appears in a different time and place on the other side.

The one-shot technique can also lend itself well to brutal combat. Once again comparing him to Spider-Man, Wolverine behaves and functions differently to the web slinger. This is a superhero that fights with razor sharp claws that pop out of his hands, his encounters are not flashy and do not end pleasantly. For this reason, an over-the-shoulder perspective similar to God of War would also fit. However, Insomniac can examine the work of another PlayStation developer, Naughty Dog, as the combat in The Last of Us is hard hitting, visceral, and grim - a perfect fit for Wolverine.

Why a One-Shot Could Be a Long Shot

It is worth examining the flip side, how a one-shot vision for Wolverine may be too good to be true. While a more grounded character than other Marvel superheroes, Wolverine is still larger than life in many respects. He battles other superpowered mutants and towering metallic menaces known as Sentinels. Naturally, Insomniac would want to take advantage of the many enemies that Wolverine has faced off with in this comics over the years. Some of these characters may be difficult to capture effectively in a one-shot game.

Additionally, something like this may not mesh with Insomniac’s overall approach to game design. Wolverine is a more serious character, but just because of that gamers shouldn’t assume Insomniac will want to completely adhere to his violent and brooding origins. This studio is known for fast-paced, high-energy games like Ratchet and Clank, and that DNA spilled over into its interpretation of Spider-Man. While the company may deliver on the gritty nature of the popular X-Man, this doesn’t mean it will want to break away from the gameplay style it’s comfortable with.

Marvel’s Wolverine is in development exclusively for PS5.

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