While the update might not be something that hits this season, it is definitely something that is in the conversation amongst the developers.

In a recent Reddit post, Riot Reav3 opened up about some of the plans that the League of Legends developers have for Demacia’s Wings, and the Rioter explained:

Quinn visual updates and rework might hit future League of Legends patches

It’s been almost a decade since Quinn was released in the popular MOBA, with her hitting the Rift for the very first time in 2013. All this while, barring a few tweaks to her kit, the champion has largely remained untouched, and the closest she came to a major gameplay update was during the mid-season of 2015.

There she was included as a wildcard pick in the VGU poll, but she eventually lost it to Udyr who obviously won by a landslide.

Quinn has seen a lot of play in the League of Legends top lane over the years, both in professional play as well as standard matchmaking. Her ranged counter to top lane bruisers is quite effective, and a lot of players pilot her into some of the more meta picks in the game.

But it was Season 8 when her pick rate peaked and Quinn became one of the most sought-after top laners. And while she is still relevant as a counter pick, it is good to see that Riot games are thinking of finally upgrading her decade-long kit and visuals.

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