The Yankees slugger was touring the halls of Congress on Wednesday when he slipped in to a Trade Promotion Authority meeting, according to the New York Daily News.

Luckily for Rodriguez, the House Ways and Means committee seemed excited about his unannounced drop in.

“Well, I was fortunate to get an offer. How can you turn that down? It was a fun day,” Rodriguez said. “Just like any American, it was great to see Capitol Hill and to see where all the laws were made. It was a privilege. It was amazing. It was really amazing. I had a good time.

“I thought the speaker’s balcony was pretty cool. That was amazing. I’ve never been. It was pretty special. I know my daughters are going to be very jealous when I see them (Thursday),” Rodriguez said. “I can’t wait to take them back there. I met a lot of people. It was quite a thrill. It was cool to go to Capitol Hill and see a place where they make all the laws.”

Rodriguez was in town with the Yankees for a two-game series against the Nationals.