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Wrath of the Covetous Legion is the title of Lost Ark’s June update, and it’s brought plenty of new content to flesh out the endgame along with an interesting new Event Island. The update has brought two new raids, a Legion Raid and a Guardian Raid. The Vykas Legion Raid is the second Legion Raid for Lost Ark’s Western version, where eight players with a minimum item level of 1430 can face off against the Covetous Legion for powerful rewards. The latest Guardian Raid features the fearsome frost predator Kungelanium, which can be challenged solo or with a group of up to three heroes.

The latest solo dungeon in Lost Ark is Thronespire, taking place in a twisted demon-infested dimension. Thronespire is a time-based instance where players with item levels of at least 1325 can progress through up to 50 levels by beating the timer in each level. Each level completed provides first-time-clear rewards through to level 25, while the final 25 levels are all about prestige, completion times, and bragging rights. The new Event Island, Heartbeat Island, is a leisurely location where players can hang out at the beach and collect Festival Coins from island activities for a variety of rewards.

To combat Lost Ark’s growing bot problem, a new CAPTCHA system is being implemented that will challenge players with a CAPTCHA occasionally upon entering a new area. While this may be effective at countering bots, this may prove to be a controversial nuisance for many players. Still, the continued efforts to ward off bots and bugs alongside these monthly content drops are a good sign for Lost Ark’s future.

Lost Ark is available on PC.

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Source: Lost Ark