Though there are ways to advance quickly or level up fast in Lost Ark, the game is an MMO, and as is tradition with the genre, it will involve a lot of grinding. However, modern MMOs, Lost Ark included, have resorted to monetization both to make more money and reduce the time it takes for players to grind in the game.

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In Lost Ark, this extends to their upgrade systems as well, meaning players can spend money to upgrade gear and items more quickly. This extends to the endgame content of Lost Ark, where upgrading gear and, more specifically, ability stones, is the way to upgrade a character’s damage, survivability, and overall strength. A guide for max level Lost Ark players goes a long way, as even figuring out how the endgame systems work can be a grind.

One of these endgame systems revolves around ability stones, and one lucky player recently showed off what is pretty much an impossible series of cuts on their powerful stone of birth. The player, Reddit user feartherathofgod, posted a snapshot of their cuts, which were unbelievably lucky. They did not get a single negative cut, and even got 7 and 8 cuts on their two abilities, one of which is the coveted Grudge ability.

Ability stones are one of the most important items for Lost Ark’s endgame. Ability stones are items that give a sizable amount of stats to a character as well as giving them ability upgrades. These upgrades can vary greatly based on a player’s luck, as the ability bonuses are achieved through the cutting process. The cutting process can be manipulated, but is still a heavily chance-based system. Players can either grind their way to perfect ability stones slowly or pay money to upgrade them more quickly. This makes feartherathofgod’s stone that much more incredible, as the luck displayed by a gem with 7 and 8 cuts on the abilities and 0 negative cuts is extremely rare.

Many players will look at these stone results and jokingly accuse feartherathofgod of cheating due to their luck, but it is possible for anyone to achieve these results through grinding or through money; players just need to keep trying and learn how to manipulate the cutting process to their advantage. With Lost Ark setting player records on Steam, plenty of players will be clamoring to figure out the best way to achieve results like feartherathofgod’s in order to create the best character possible.

Lost Ark is available now on PC.