As is the case with most MMOs, there is a wide range of skill levels among the game’s players. The discrepancy in Lost Ark was made a bit more obvious by the fact that those who paid for a Founder’s Pack were able to get into the game a few days before it went live for all the other free-to-play users. It appears that one user is taking advantage of being a higher level than quite a few of the others who are wanting to give the PvP mode a go, by holding their character’s lives for ransom.

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Reddit user treflipper5 brought attention to this particular Lost Ark user by posting a short chat transcript where another player was asking the user not to kill them and to just let them pass into the designated PvP area. The transcript shows that the first player asked the aggressor to let him go and do a quest. The other player then responds “run.” When the other user continues asking to be allowed to pass, the attacker then responded that if he was given 10 gold, he’d allow the other user to go.

Once the picture was posted on Reddit, it started a debate among the other users as to whether or not this particular type of “griefing” was okay. Some believed that this is the type of thing that happens quite a bit when playing MMOs like Lost Ark. Others responded that while it was technically allowed to behave this way, it was far from a morally acceptable way to play a game like this.

It was pointed out that the person ransoming other users’ ability to really play the game had been doing so for at least 10 hours, with several saying that was more than a little excessive. Still others said that a game as popular as Lost Ark was going to have these kinds of people running around and that users just needed to get used to it.

At the moment, it doesn’t appear as if there’s much that can be done inside of Lost Ark to stop this behavior. The one very obvious solution would be to have an even more skilled player camping out next to the player and kill them before they can take out the less skilled users.

Lost Ark is available now on PC.

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