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However, with Lost Ark boasting five base classes and a whole host of unique class specializations, those who form the right builds and the right team may be able to dominate the new dungeons. Players having a hard time with Inferno Legion Raids may have to reassess their builds and team compositions to secure the victory.

8 Gauge Expectations First

Before players venture deep into an Inferno Legion Raid, it’s important to first look into just exactly how the mode “works” in a mechanical sense. As the name implies, the Inferno Legion Raid is the highest difficulty so far of a Legion Raid, separate from its Normal and hard counterparts. Players aiming to participate in the Legion Raid grind should remember what rewards and changes to expect in this tier so they can gauge their expectations and plan their approach accordingly. Here’s what to expect from an Inferno Legion Rid:

Scale of Balance: Everyone needs to use the Book of Coordination to access the Raid, wherein everyone’s gear is “balanced” against the Legion Commander level, guaranteeing a much harder experience. No Gate Progression: Unlike other Legion Raids, Inferno level won’t allow players to finish the Raid halfway. They need to finish it in full. No Weekly Limit: Unlike other Legion Raids that have set weekly attempts, players can replay Inferno Legion Raids as often as they want. Prestige Over Items: One of the most notable aspects of Inferno Legion Raids is how its rewards are more focused on rare titles and other vanity tools like fulfilling difficult Lost Ark achievements , unlike the usual high-level gear in their other counterparts.

7 Allot Proper Time To Avoid Getting Psyched Out

Given how Inferno Legion Raids are essentially “amped up” versions of difficult Legion Raids, it’s easy for players to start getting frustrated after a few hours of not being able to push through their run properly. At the worst, this means hours lost in Inferno Legion Raids instead of players pursuing their dailies and weeklies. This kind of mental strain can ruin the mojo of a player attempting an Inferno Legion Raid and can affect their performance greatly.

To avoid getting psyched out in the Lost Ark game mode, it helps players to at least invest a few hours every week for Inferno Legion Raids instead of entire gaming sessions. That way, players can use the lighter Normal and Hard difficulties as “refreshers” before taking on the much tougher Inferno Legion Raids.

6 Find Like-Minded Players To Form Parties With

Coming from the perspective of a ridiculously-difficult Inferno Legion Raid possibly psyching out a player, this can also extend to the rest of the party. Players should understand that not everyone they do “normal” Raids with have the immediate mental space for an incredibly difficult dungeon.

In turn, it’s best for Lost Ark players to extend patience to newer party members as they grasp the more advanced and nuanced mechanics of their chosen Inferno Legion Raids. Likewise, it helps players to be in constant communication with team members and understand their combat approaches in order to form more efficient strategies. Given how more technically-intensive Inferno Legion Raids are, coordination with teammates becomes a vastly more important detail.

5 Consider The Battle Item Investment

Considering how Inferno Legion Raids have ridiculously strong opponents, players may find themselves using more of their Lost Ark consumables like Battle Items than usual, and this can significantly affect their budgeting if not properly taken into account. To avoid this, players should anticipate having to use particular Battle Items in order to outlast the toughest Inferno Legion Raid bosses. Here are some worthwhile investments for players:

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Sacred Charms: These can immediately cure debuffs, which are prevalent in Inferno Legion Raids. Stopping debuffs as they happen can prevent them from debilitating the player’s strategies. Dark Grenade: When used during downtime, this can not only dish out decent Dark damage but also lower the defense of enemies hit, giving room for others to boost their attack power. Adrophine: When used during specific parts of a rotation, this can lower HP but boost Attack Power and Attack Speed, boosting one’s performance. With the presence of healers, the lowered HP can be a worthwhile risk.

4 Take Note Of Encounters

Aside from understanding how to defeat the boss of any particular Legion Raid to finish its Inferno variant much faster, it helps to also take note of the various Lost Ark combat encounters leading up to this grand finale. Considering the amped-up stats of otherwise-ordinary mobs in any Inferno Legion Raid, players may want to take note of specific combat patterns and weaknesses in order to progress through them much faster.

If possible, players should coordinate in advance as to how to approach specific mobs, especially since they’re geared precisely to sow chaos into a raiding party in order to get them disoriented. Fighting them properly also serves as training to prepare them for the more brutal final boss.

3 Understand Special Mechanics

While it’s helpful to master fighting against any Legion Raid’s mobs, elites, and bosses in order to finish its Inferno variant faster, it’s especially important to take note of special mechanics in a Legion Raid. For instance, the Valtan Inferno Raid involves special orb-consumption mechanics in order to stagger the boss and gain the upper hand.

Before players embark on a particular Inferno Legion Raid, it may help to go through a couple of rounds under the Normal and Hard difficulties in order to recall the specific mechanics. Moreover,

2 Mobility Versus Damage Output For Builds

When deciding what builds to choose for an Inferno Legion Raid Class, the main deciding factor in this Lost Ark game mode lies in finding the sweet spot between mobility and damage output. Remember, unlike the other more flexible Raids, players of Inferno Legion Raids would want to get in and out as fast as possible since there aren’t any Gates for them to return to.

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In turn, players need to decide whether their builds should focus on dishing out as much damage as possible at the risk of being squishy or dealing less damage but become fast enough for rotation cooldowns to happen much faster. Here are some build suggestions per Class:

Warrior: Choose between hard offense with the Berserker or hard defense as the Gunlancer. Martial Artist: Dish out big damage as the Scrapper, or focus on mobility as the Striker. Gunner: Choose mobility as the Gunslinger or decimate foes as the Artillerist. Mage: Heal allies as the Bard or focus on damage as the Sorcerer. Assassin: Become a mobile attacker as the Deathblade or become a spellcaster-offense hybrid as the Shadowhunter.

1 Understand Class Synergies To Maximize Damage

Given how there aren’t any “checkpoint” Gates to back to during Inferno Legion Raids, it’s important to understand how Lost Ark party members can best coordinate their attacks in order to secure damage as fast as possible. In turn, it helps players to understand how their Class synergies work in order to maximize combos and DPS. Here are some ideal approaches to maximize damage with synergies:

Positioning: Builds such as the frontal-mobile Deathblade and the distant-mobile Gunlancers can give players a lot of room for movement to avoid attacks while dishing out rotations safely. Criticals: Subclasses like the Deadeye and Gunslingers can tap into a lot of opportunities to dish out critical attacks, enabling them to capitalize on high damage numbers on the get-go. Broken Bone: At its core, this pertains to capitalizing on building damage numbers, specifically against stunned or staggered foes. After all, their nature as being powerless while incapacitated means players have a lot of room to punish foes. Consistent DPS: Serving as the archetypal DPS, these Classes rely on proper timing and landing skills on rotations seamlessly. Lowering cooldowns and maximizing skill input while other parts of the rotation are on standby are key processes here.

Lost Ark was released in 2022 for the PC.

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