The game revolves around Even’s quest to achieve randomness and uncertainty. Even is joined by a companion named Dicey, who is a creature that resembles a die and helps create new possibilities with Even. Dicey is able to change events and help Even disrupt the control over her dark world. Together, Even and Dicey will take control of their own fate and break from the normal. With commentary from CEO of Zoink Games Klaus Lyngeled and Game Director Olav Redmalm, the first look at the game makes it look like a visual masterpiece.
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As a first look at the Lost in Random, Zoink Games shows off impressive game art and a first look trailer. Immediately, one can tell that the art style is very different than most games. At times, the surroundings look dark and eerie, but others, seem almost whimsical. The game takes on a Tim Burton style of art, where the world may look gloomy, yet cartoony at the same time. The art style is truly beautiful and original, and will possibly look even better on next-gen consoles.
Both the visuals and audio of the trailer show off the amazing concept of the game still early in development. The world around Even and Dicey may be dark and threatening, but Even shows a bright and rebellious personality, while Dicey makes cute noises and has a very lively demeanor. Even though the trailer is a brief preview, fans can start to understand the Lost in Random world and learn about the characters.
During the announce trailer, a lot can be learned about the game, which is still in the early stages of development. The trailer highlights Even and Dicey’s relationship and shows that both characters will be important to the game’s storyline and gameplay. A bit of gameplay is shown, where Even and Dicey are teaming up for partner attacks on various foes. It also hints at a feature where Dicey is rolled to either complete puzzles or advance in the story.
Lost in Random is still early in development and no release date has been mentioned. It is expected that the game will release on next-gen consoles, but will not match up with the console releases. As development for the game continues, more information about the gameplay and release date will hopefully be revealed.
Lost in Random is currently in development.
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