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There’s also the small matter of RK to worry about, with the criminal group’s growing prominence beginning to hinder Tak’s investigation. Players will need to infiltrate one of their hangouts during Chapter 5 and will also come face to face with the gang’s true leader. As far as Lost Judgment chapters go, this one has a little bit of everything.

Dissecting the Murder Footage

The first main objective in Chapter 5 is to talk to Saori, which means making the short journey over to Genda Law. Upon their arrival, Tak and Kaito will run into Mafuyu from the district prosecutor’s office, who’ll explain that her office isn’t keen to pursue a murder conviction due to Ehara having already been convicted of groping.

To make matters worse, the prison calls up to inform Saori that Ehara will no longer be speaking to his counsel, meaning that the team will need to get to the bottom of things by themselves. When asked which of the two crimes is a setup, players should question the authenticity of the groping incident. After that, they’ll need to select the Ikebukuro Station Security Footage as evidence.

Upon leaving the office, Tak and Kaito will notice a large group of RK members waiting for them outside. Once they get far enough away from Genda Law, the thugs will eventually attack and players will need to defeat a group of them in battle. This prompts Kaito to seek out a meeting with Soma and Akutsu, at which point players will need to head to the RK Hangout on Theater Alley.

How to Infiltrate the RK Hangout

Once inside, Kaito will disappear into the depths of the building leaving Tak to wait in the entrance area. After a while, however, Tak starts to worry and will decide to infiltrate the club to find out what’s going on. He’ll take out the guard and then head inside, at which point players will regain control and should go through the door marked “Private” to their right.

Entering the room will trigger an Active Search, with players needing to examine the vent near the door and then a pile of yellow crates in order to progress. After they’ve done so, they’ll be able to open the safe to obtain the Guard Pants SS equipment. The safe code is 1811, as players will learn a little later on by listening in to a conversation between two RK members.

With the safe now empty, players should head inside the vent and follow it until Tak spots a bartender down below. They’ll then need to follow this man to the restrooms, where Tak will knock him unconscious and steal his work uniform. This allows players to walk freely around certain parts of the hangout.

Turning left here will lead players to a bottle of Hug Bomb on the floor, as well as the two RK members who reveal the code to the safe. To find Kaito though, players will instead need to make their way to the right and head down the stairs, where they’ll be confronted by an angry RK member who wants Tak to make him a drink.

Pressing the triangle/Y button will lead to Tak mixing a cocktail and serving it to the man. Due to the strength of the drink, he falls asleep straight after drinking it, allowing Tak a chance to survey the scene. An infiltration section follows, with players needing to use coins and Smoke Balls to work their way through the central area and take out the main guard.

There’ll be a few cutscenes at this point, after which, players will need to defeat several groups of RK thugs. They’re led by Kaneda, the guy in the white camo jacket from earlier, who players will need to beat several times before he finally stays down. Even then, more thugs continue to show up, but Crane Style should prevent players from ever being overwhelmed.

Eventually, Soma makes an appearance and is revealed to be the true leader of RK. He agrees to leave Tak and Kaito be and also confirms that the missing girls’ bar manager that RK had previously been searching for is now presumed dead. There’s not much more to be discussed at this time, so Tak and Kaito decide to take their leave.

How to Question Mamiya

After exiting the hangout, Tak gets a call from Saori who asks him to return to Genda Law. She’ll meet him at the entrance, at which point players will need to hop into a taxi and select the “Mamiya’s Apartment” option from the top of the destination list. Once there they’ll need to choose the “Emphasize with her.” option to get invited inside.

Before talking to Mamiya, Tak wants to get a better idea of what kind of person she is, meaning that players will need to complete another Active Search. In the hallway, they’ll be able to examine a child’s picture, a bike, and a family photo. In the living area, they can examine another child’s drawing, a laptop, some pans, a cutting board, and a tv, as well as Saori, Mamiya, and Mamiya’s son.

The interview itself is fairly passive compared to some of the others in the game, though players will at one point need to select a piece of evidence that contradicts Mamiya’s story. They should choose the Ehara murder footage, after which, Tak and Saori will return to the Genda Law offices to report their findings back to the rest of the team.

Putting the Pieces Together

Players will need to speak to Saori to get the ball rolling and should then select the “Yeah, let’s start there.” option first. When asked who posted the video, they need to choose “Ehara’s accomplices posted it.” which eventually leads to Issei pointing out that there was no opportunity for Ehara to swap places with anyone else.

Given that he was the one who drew up the map in the first place, it’s a little odd that Issei requires evidence that there was an opportunity for Ehara and his double to switch places. Even so, players can pull out the overhead view of the Shinjuku Station platform and then point out the dotted line blind spot to shut him up.

With the team now coming around to the idea that Ehara may have killed Mikoshiba, players should choose the “Yui Mamiya was colluding with Ehara.” option next. When Issei mentions that Mamiya went to Kurokawa Academy, Tak will recognize the name and players should select the “Someone spying on me went there.” option when prompted.

Tak will then realize that he has seen the uniform of the academy before in the picture on Sawa’s desk; raising the possibility that Sawa, Mamiya, and the three men who were spying on Tak at the murder scene in the previous chapter are all former classmates. On that bombshell, the screen fades to black and the chapter comes to an end.

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