In honor of this, Peter Jackson also chose to give some of the cast who played the characters a variety of gifts, to show his appreciation for all of their work, and for the time they had spent as part of the crew family.

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One of the most well-known and memorable gifts that were given was a prop One Ring of power, awarded to both Elijah Wood who played Frodo, and to Andy Serkis, who played Gollum. There were reportedly more than 40 versions of the One Ring made during filming, all of varying sizes, for the scenes when the ring can change size and slip off of people’s fingers like it does when it betrays Isildur, the Gondorian king whom one of the Argonath are based on. That is why Frodo must carry the ring on an elvish chain, so that it cannot abandon him in favor of a better host when it desires.

There is a funny rumor that was spread around the Tolkien fandom, however, that each actor thought he was the only one gifted one of the precious rings, and that neither knew about the other having been given one by the director. Whether or not this is true isn’t confirmed, but fans like to believe it was a little jest on Peter Jackson’s behalf.

Another of the most common props that were used during the filming of the trilogy, and made in all different shapes and designs, were swords. The conceptual artists, including Alan Lee and John Howe, had a hand in drawing and crafting unique weapons for each race of Middle Earth, down to individual characters. It is believed that both Miranda Otto who played Eowyn, and Liv Tyler, who played Arwen, kept their character swords.

Although the sword is not actually seen in the film, Liv Tyler did in fact act in some fight scenes as Arwen, which were later removed, and became very attached to her blade. She also kept her pointed prosthetic elf ears, worn by all of the members of the elven race. As for Miranda Otto, alongside her sword, she was gifted a beautifully ornate belt, designed for her by the costume department, and seen wrapped around her white dress as she is first shown standing at the halls of Edoras. There is a memorable moment that happened during the scene, completely by accident, and although it was unscripted, it was kept in the movies. That is when the flag flies off of the pole and floats away in the breeze. It is the costume she is wearing at this moment that the actress most treasured and was allowed to keep by the director.

Another actor who reportedly kept his sword is Viggo Mortensen. The actor was known for always having it with him, during training, during down-time, and even during meals out at restaurants with his other cast members. He was of course gifted the steel at the close of filming. The sword is itself highly significant in the books and the films, as it is the ‘blade that was broken’, which is talked about in the prophecy about the returning of the true king of Gondor, and it strengthens his claim to the throne, so it is understandable why this particular prop was sentimental to him.

The actor also did his own version of gift-giving however. When the shooting was over, Viggo Mortensen decided to buy the horse that he had ridden throughout the trilogy. There are many beautiful and important horses in the films, including Shadowfax, who is Gandalf’s steed, and Bill The Pony, who helps the fellowship on their journey, but Viggo formed a close, personal bond with his animal co-star. So did Jane Abbott, the stunt-woman for Arwen. She can be seen riding the white horse to the Ford of Bruinen, where Frodo is taken to the healing of Elrond when Aragorn’s treatment of his wound with the Athelas flower proves ineffective. Jane Abbott loved the horse she rode, and became a true companion to him, but couldn’t afford the price he was auctioned at. Unbeknownst to her, Viggo Mortensen bought the horse, and gifted it to her so that they would not have to part from one another.

There are several other small items that were either gifted or kept by the cast and crew, including Gandalf’s wizard staff, which apparently sits on display in a small pub Ian McKellen owns in London, and Sam Gamgee’s prosthetic hobbits feet, that were kept by Sean Astin. But it is not the items themselves that are important, it is the love and friendship with which they were given that make them so dear to the actor’s hearts.

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